
The Lunds & Byerlys Family Assistance Fund is funded by donations from our company and our employees. Every dollar you contribute goes directly to a fellow employee who needs our help.

All contributions to the Lunds & Byerlys Family Assistance Fund as part of the Minneapolis Foundation are fully tax deductible. Contributions to our fund can be made in a number of ways.

Payroll Deduction

Contributing to the Lunds & Byerlys Family Assistance Fund can easily be done through a payroll deduction for as little as $1 per pay period. Every dollar you donate goes directly to help a fellow Lunds & Byerlys employee that needs our help. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law through the Minneapolis Foundation.

Fill out this form and return it to the Lunds & Byerlys Payroll Department to begin your contribution. Thank you for your generosity.

Donate by Check

To make a donation by check, please send the check payable to Lunds & Byerlys Family Assistance Fund and mail it to:

The Minneapolis Foundation
800 IDS Center
80 South Eighth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

All contributions, once accepted by the board of directors, represent an irrevocable contribution to the Minneapolis Foundation and are not refundable.